Picture of myself
That's me

How it's made

This website is built using Astro and supported by MongoDB. Everything is dockerised and I use this handy Let's Encrypt Companion to do the signing legwork for me. Many thanks to Katie Linero for creating http://ipa-reader.xyz. I used this to generate the spoken mp3 file of my name. You can hear this by hovering over my name in the header and pressing the "Listen" button. The best part: All the code is public at https://github.com/BFriedrichs/bjoernf.com

Privacy / Tracking

To get minimal information about my site statistics, I use Ackee. I self host this analytics package to gives me insight into the generated traffic without storing any personal identifiable information. Go to their documentation to find out what Ackee collects. Please note that I do collect the detailed information as outlined on their page.
© Björn Friedrichs 2021 privacy & more